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** Please note - the order in which the Grandparents appear in no way reflects any preference for one over the other. The placement, though organized for flow, was completely arbitrary **

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This is a picture of Diane and Ray Laura at Mommy and Daddy's wedding on June 14, 1997.
(Grandma Diane and Papa Ray)

This is Mike and Betty Fretwell
(Grandpa Mike and Grandma Betty
or just Grandpa and Grandma)

 This was my first fishing trip, EVER! And this was my first fish, too!
Can you see it? It's a little hard to spot.
It's the dark spot between Grandpa's knee and my leg.
For a better look at it, check out the photo in the "Picture Archive - 3"  page

 My Grandma Betty is a very good artist. She paints all kinds of crafts and sells them in craft shows and garage sales.
She has even taught classes. This is my first painting lesson. I chose to paint a pumpkin.

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